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1.Slide-Product BAWCH-S Series 2.Slide-product BAWCH-M Series 3.Slide-Product BAWCH-L Series 4.Slide-Product BRAC Series 5.Slide-Product BWWC Series 6.Slide-Product BRT CH Series 7.Slide BCU (W) Series 8.Slide-Product GEO Series 9.Slide-Product AHU Series

February 2018: BCOOL LTD at “Aquatherm Athens 2018” exhibition

BCOOL LTD presented, among other products, the new BAWHT series of High Temperature Air To Water Heat Pumps, during the 3rd international “Aquatherm Athens 2018” exhibition. The extensive range of energy efficient BAWHT units, designed and manufactured by BCOOL, is intended for space heating, sanitary hot water production and swimming pool heating, in residential and commercial applications.

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