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1.Slide-Product BAWCH-S Series 2.Slide-product BAWCH-M Series 3.Slide-Product BAWCH-L Series 4.Slide-Product BRAC Series 5.Slide-Product BWWC Series 6.Slide-Product BRT CH Series 7.Slide BCU (W) Series 8.Slide-Product GEO Series 9.Slide-Product AHU Series

June 2017: Manufacturing of new water chiller series, with alternative refrigerant HFO R-1234ze

BCOOL LTD, conforming to the Regulation of the European Parliament and the European Council relating to the reduction of fluorinated greenhouse gas emissions and reducing global climate change, initiated the manufacture of two new water chiller series, type  BRAC ECO and BWWC ECO, with alternative refrigerant HFO R-1234ze (Ozone Depletion Potential = 0, Global Warming Potential = 6).

The BRAC ECO series comprises air to water chillers with screw compressors and nominal cooling capacities ranging from 150 up to 1.350 KW, while the BWWC ECO series comprises water to water chillers with screw compressors and nominal cooling capacities ranging from 160 up to 1.520 KW.

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