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1.Slide-Product BAWCH-S Series 2.Slide-product BAWCH-M Series 3.Slide-Product BAWCH-L Series 4.Slide-Product BRAC Series 5.Slide-Product BWWC Series 6.Slide-Product BRT CH Series 7.Slide BCU (W) Series 8.Slide-Product GEO Series 9.Slide-Product AHU Series


The BCOOL Company, consistently focusing on providing reliable solutions through high quality products and services, has established and currently implements a Quality Management System, certified in accordance with the organisational and managerial requirements of the international ISO 9001:2015 standard. BCOOL is committed to continuously improving the quality of its products and services, aiming to always fully meet the requirements and expectations of its customers and other interested parties, in compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.   


BCOOL, with unconditional respect for the environment and society, provides environmentally efficient products and services, operates in a responsible manner, minimising its environmental footprint, preserving the natural resources and protecting the environment, while practising safe waste disposal and recycling processes. The company has established and currently implements an Environmental Management System, certified in accordance with the organisational and managerial requirements of the international ISO 14001:2015 standard. BCOOL is committed to continual improvement of its environmental performance and compliance with the current and future environmental legislation.   


The certifications of our company, according to the above management system standards, cover the entire range of our operational processes and refer to the following fields of activities:

  • Design, Manufacture and Sales of HVAC-R
  • Technical Support of HVAC-R
  • Trade of Spare Parts for HVAC-R

Quality and environmental management systems are constantly monitored for their efficiency, using various metrics. Based on continuous monitoring and regular reviews during implementation, we evaluate the effectiveness of our systems and are committed to establishing new objectives and targets, taking appropriate actions and providing the necessary resources to achieve and maintain the optimal performance of our systems.


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