Product | Category | File |
BAWC/H - S | Air to Water Chillers & Heat Pumps, Small series | BAWCH-S Series (Ver.3.02).pdf |
BAWC/H - M | Air to Water Chillers & Heat Pumps, Medium series | BAWCH-M Series (Ver.3.02).pdf |
BAWC/H - L | Air to Water Chillers & Heat Pumps, Large series | BAWCH-L Series (Ver.3.02).pdf |
BAWHT | High Temperature Air to Water Heat Pumps | BAWHT Series (Ver.3.02).pdf |
BRAC | Air to Water Chillers with Screw Compressors | BRAC Series (Ver.3.02).pdf |
BWWC | Water to Water Chillers with Screw Compressors | BWWC Series (Ver.3.02).pdf |
GEO | Geothermal Heat Pumps, for cooling & heating | GEO Series (Ver.3.02).pdf |
BCU | Air Cooled Condensing Units | BCU Series (Ver.3.02).pdf |
BRT C/H | Rooftop Packaged Air to Air Units, for cooling & heating | BRT CH Series (Ver.3.02).pdf |
MD | Air Handling Units | MD Series (Ver.3.02).pdf |
FX | Fan Coil Units | FX Series.pdf |
FW | Wall Fan Coil Units | FW Series.pdf |
FCS | Water Cassette Units | FCS Series.pdf |
XT | Aerotherms | XT Series.pdf |
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