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1.Slide-Product BAWCH-S Series 2.Slide-product BAWCH-M Series 3.Slide-Product BAWCH-L Series 4.Slide-Product BRAC Series 5.Slide-Product BWWC Series 6.Slide-Product BRT CH Series 7.Slide BCU (W) Series 8.Slide-Product GEO Series 9.Slide-Product AHU Series


March 2021: Manufacturing of packaged air to air units, appropriate for various process cooling applications

BCOOL LTD designed and manufactured special packaged air to air units, appropriate for cooling, ventilation and air filtration, customized to meet the various industrial process requirements.

The units present specific technical characteristics, such as precise room temperature & humidity control, cold air supply down to 4ºC, two separate refrigerant circuits, multiple capacity steps for optimized seasonal efficiency, electronic expansion valves, fresh air supply, fully supervised in the range 0-100%, constant air flow volume, controlled by 0-10V input, as well as air filtering media, classified from G4 up to H14.

The air treatment section consists of double wall panels with 50mm thermal insulation and internal stainless (AISI 316) or painted steel sheets. It features EC free flow plug fans, DX cooling coil with anti-corrosion or cataphoresis treatment, inox electric heaters in automated power stages, post heating water coil and mixing box, managing fresh and return air flows through motorized dampers.

The condensing section comprises hermetic scroll compressors, either on-off or inverter driven, air-cooled condenser coils Cu/Cu or Cu/Al with extra anti-corrosion coating, axial fans EC or AC with continuous speed control via inverter and power & automation control panel with state-of-the-art components and microprocessors.

April 2019: Manufacturing of process chillers with alternative refrigerant R-290, conforming to the European ecodesign requirements Regulation

BCOOL LTD, conforming to the European ecodesign requirements Regulation as regards process chillers (EU 2015/1095), designed and manufactured air-cooled process chillers, for medium operating temperature, charged with alternative refrigerant R-290, complying with and exceeding the applicable requirements of the Regulation from 1st July 2018, in terms of seasonal energy performance ratio (SEPR) values.

The units comprise, among other chracteristics, two completely separate and autonomous refrigerant circuits, semi-hermetic - atex - compressors, EC axial fans, electronic expansion valves, state-of-the-art microprocessors, advanced detection and protection systems against propane leakage, soft-starters, total heat recovery and additionally partial recovery (desuperheater) systems.

November 2018: Manufacturing of air-cooled chillers and heat pumps, with alternative refrigerant R-290

BCOOL LTD, conforming to the European F-gas Regulation (EU No 517/2014), designed and manufactured air-cooled chillers and heat pumps, using alternative refrigerant R-290, with actually zero environmental impacts (Global Warming Potential = 3).

The units comprise, among other characteristics, semi-hermetic - atex - compressors, electronic expansion valves, state-of-the-art microprocessors, advanced detection and protection systems against propane leakage, soft-starters, as well as total heat recovery systems, for covering of simultaneous cooling and heating demands in industrial applications.

February 2018: BCOOL LTD at “Aquatherm Athens 2018” exhibition

BCOOL LTD presented, among other products, the new BAWHT series of High Temperature Air To Water Heat Pumps, during the 3rd international “Aquatherm Athens 2018” exhibition. The extensive range of energy efficient BAWHT units, designed and manufactured by BCOOL, is intended for space heating, sanitary hot water production and swimming pool heating, in residential and commercial applications.

June 2017: Manufacturing of new water chiller series, with alternative refrigerant HFO R-1234ze

BCOOL LTD, conforming to the Regulation of the European Parliament and the European Council relating to the reduction of fluorinated greenhouse gas emissions and reducing global climate change, initiated the manufacture of two new water chiller series, type  BRAC ECO and BWWC ECO, with alternative refrigerant HFO R-1234ze (Ozone Depletion Potential = 0, Global Warming Potential = 6).

The BRAC ECO series comprises air to water chillers with screw compressors and nominal cooling capacities ranging from 150 up to 1.350 KW, while the BWWC ECO series comprises water to water chillers with screw compressors and nominal cooling capacities ranging from 160 up to 1.520 KW.

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